Disposable towels from VISCOTO
Since each of our towels is used only once, it is not possible to transfer bacteria and germs between patients. Once used, towels can be disposed of in the paper waste and biodegraded within eight to twelve weeks, with no negative impact on the environment. Thus VISCOTO towels offer an extremely high level of safety compared to other types of disposable towels.
Outstanding patient comfort
Of course, in every health facility, patient comfort is just as important as patient safety. However, our environmentally friendly towels are not like any disposable towel that you or your patients might have experienced before. Our towels are luxuriously soft. They are also twice as moisture-absorbent as non-disposable towel varieties, and many patients will not be able to tell that they are disposable towels.
Significant cost savings
Since each patient is given new, sterile and hypoallergenic towels every time, you no longer need to wash them in your doctor’s office. This being the situation, many health centres will achieve savings of up to 44% in annual electricity and water consumption. As healthcare staff spend less time washing traditional towels, patients are offered better quality care services.